I woke up yesterday and I had a pretty stiff neck. I’m not totally sure why, but if i had to speculate I’d pin it on 2 different things:
Friday’s training session
Heavy RDLs and neutral grip pull ups. Bigger sets than normal. Plus some lingering stiffness from the week.
Or it could have been how I slept.
My kids will crawl into bed at night and then I end up sleeping crooked since they can leave no part of a king size bed unused.
Truth be told it likely was not ONE thing
After thinking about the “why” for 30s, I stopped, then decided to just fix it.
After this routine, my neck was 80% better.
This morning my neck is back to normal.
Here’s the routine I did
#1 Sidelying Y and Shrug
Do this on the side that is stiff. It’s obviously only 1/2 a Y since it’s only 1 arm.
#2 Overhead shrug
Slide your arms up the wall, then shrug up and down while they are up there.
#3 Sidelying neck rotation
Do this on both sides, start with the stiff side DOWN first.
Perform 15 reps of EACH exercise.
You can do all the mobility work you want
But sometimes you wake up and your neck is stiff.
This of course doesn’t mean skimp on mobility work.