Chronic Injury Exercise Myths
As a physical therapist, i’ve spent the last 11 year talking to 1000’s of patients about their chronic injuries.
Here’s 5 I hear all the time
And the honest truth you need to hear to get over your injuries
#1 Surgery is my ONLY option
Sure, you aren’t going to “fix” a torn rotator cuff without surgery, but surgery should be the LAST option.
There are two primary reasons people “fail physical therapy”
shitty rehab that focused on therabands and pain relieving modalities
you couldn’t commit the 3-6 months necessary
The area needs to be loaded. A little at first, more over time.
#2 I can’t lift heavy so i’ll use more reps less weight
Volume is an irritant.
More reps less weight is an attempt to “just try to maintain. This strategy actually hurts you more than it helps.
It’s not enough weight to make you stronger, and it’s so many reps it just irritates structures that already have a low tolerance.
It’s like plowing a field but never planting any seeds.
#3 Strengthen your core to fix your back pain
If your bicep hurts, I don’t focus on your tricep - so if your back hurts, I don’t focus on your abs
Here’s my approach to treating chronic back pain in order of whats important:
Hip mobility
Low back strength endurance
Total body strength
#4 No pain no gain
I don’t expect you to be pain free, but pain should be kept in check. During activities, don’t exceed +2 on the 0-10 scale or 5/10 OVERALL
The next day you should not be > 4/10 pain.
If you can’t stick to this scale, you need to recalibrate yours.
#5 Stick to low impact activities
If you don’t use it, you lose it. Keeping the ability to move fast as you age is a superpower. If you’ve lost the ability to run fast and jump, you should really look at why that’s the case.
Then start to work on the PROGRESSIONS to get back to this is some capacity.
There are tons of variations of high impact things you can do, and you’re only limited by your imagination (or equipment)
Remember to move today
PS if you’ve felt victim to these myths and want to reclaim your life, reply back “chronic” and we can give you the tools you need.