With the internet age, it’s actually pretty easy to rehab your own injury. The downside of all that info is it is not specific to YOUR situation.
I know this to be true because I talk to people on a daily basis about their DIY rehab experience and
redirect them to methods that are more effective
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Here’s the top 3 things that often get messed up and make rehab take longer than it needs to.
There’s probably 100, but they all boil down to a version of these 3 I see all the time.
#1 Progressing too fast
Simple example of this is getting back to running. Say you can run 1 mile without an issue.
The next day you decide to run 2 miles, you blow up, and feel like you are back to zero.
What happened? 1 and 2 are very small numbers, so
Why did this happen?
A better way to approach this is percent based. Two miles is a 200% MORE activity than 1 mile.
You can same this same “math” for
intensity (weight, speed, etc)
volume (sets and reps, total weight)
days /week
etc etc etc
Keep your % increase lower, 10-15, max 20%, so you can see how adding new activity affects you.
#2 The Wrong Treatment
The best example of this is tendinitis. Tendinitis can be either
acute - brand new
chronic - had it for months
Acute -itis needs rest and light loading. Chronic (aka - tendinopathy) needs loading and progressive overload (using the concepts from point #1).
People like to push through the pain with acute -itis (mistake) and then avoid stuff when its chronic (also a mistake)
The correct thing to do is the opposite - but you have to know which one you have.
You can’t trust the internet since advice still says “rest and ice,” which is wrong.
#3 Inconsistency
This takes many forms, but usually it’s just you winging it with no plan. You don’t know the exact issue, so you aren’t sure how often you should be doing stuff.
Your stuff doesn’t have a logical progression, or you haven’t found the right start point.
All this leads to frustration, and ultimately you just give up.
What’s the solution?
You’re reading it. We cover all of the things to avoid all these pitfalls In this here substack.
What are you waiting on?